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Setting up an RPM SQL Server database

This article only applies to RPM Onsite licenses using a SQL Server database. To view the type of license you have, open the System Info screen under the RPM Help menu.

Step 1 – Create the SQL Server RPM database

a) Open SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server on your SQL server computer or on a workstation with SQL installed.

b) Select File > Open > File and select the CreateSQLDatabase.sql file in the “RPM Server” folder.

c) The default SQL database name will be “RPMDB.” If you want to use a different name, use “Ctrl+H” to find and replace all occurrences of “RPMDB” with a new database name.

d) The default SQL username will be “RPMUser.” If you want to use a different name, use “Ctrl+H” to find and replace all occurrences of “RPMUser” with a new username.

e) Click Execute to run the SQL script. This will create a SQL database called “RPMDB” (or the database name you entered) with a login name of “RPMUser” (or the user name you entered) and a password of “test123.” You can change the password after the database has been created.

f) Repeat the above steps using a different database name in c) if you want to set up more than one SQL database for use with RPM.

Step 2 – Install a SQL ODBC driver on all RPM Client computers

The same SQL ODBC driver must be installed on ALL computers running the RPM Client. The latest supported driver (ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server) can be installed by running msodbcsql.exe from the RPM Server\Client Install\ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server folder. Older supported drivers are displayed in order from newest to oldest in the “Select SQL Driver” dropdown list in the SQL Connect application (Step 3b below) and can be downloaded and installed from Microsoft.

Step 3 – Set up the SQL connection

a) Using a computer with the RPM Client installed, run the SQLConnect.exe in the “RPM Server” folder.

b) If you are using a driver other than ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server, select that driver from the “Select SQL Driver” dropdown list. That driver must be installed on ALL computers running the RPM Client.

c) Enter the SQL Connection Configuration information for each RPM database and click Save.

d) This utility can be used at any time in the future to update the SQL connection information (for example, if the RPM SQL password is changed) or to add new connections.

e) Each user can now open RPM. If you have a single RPM SQL database, the RPM Client will automatically connect to that database as each user opens RPM. If you have more than one SQL database, RPM will prompt the user to select the database they will be using.

If you have problems connecting RPM to your SQL Server, follow the instructions here to test the connection:

Testing the RPM SQL Server connection

The Server Authentication must be set for SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.